It goes without saying that the Super Bowl is one of America’s largest cultural holidays. Super Bowl LIV features teams from San Francisco (The 49ers)...[Read More]
ArticlesCivic EngagementCurrent EventsDisabilities & AbleismDomestic Violence/Sexual AssaultEventsFamily IssuesGeneralHealth, Wellness, and PreventionIntimate Partner AbuseIntimate Partner ViolenceLGBTQIAPoverty IssuesViolence Prevention
Since 1919, Americans have paused on November 11th to remember those who served in our armed forces to protect our freedom and our nation. Originally...[Read More]
Abortion RightsBoard Member ArticleEventsFamily LeaveHealth, Wellness, and PreventionMyBodyNCPolitics/Public PolicyReproductive HealthReproductive Rights
When communications director Jo DeLosSantos led the way in sharing abortion stories for our July #MyBodyNC Campaign, we knew it wouldn’t be easy. As she...[Read More]
Father’s Day has always had a strange pull on my small family. Certainly it has something to do with the fact that I was born...[Read More]
Everyone needs a hero, right? Since childhood, I’ve looked up to someone who fits my definition of a “hero.” When you’re a child, it’s easy...[Read More]
Six years ago on Mother’s Day, I arrived at Ros’ home and knocked on the door only to find no answer. I walked in expecting to...[Read More]
Thanks to the Duke Interdisciplinary Social Innovators for working with Women AdvaNCe to create two products that summarize and show the impact of our two most successful...[Read More]
In the past May Day, the beginning of May has been celebrated in honor of figures in mythology, various religions. The common theme is showing...[Read More]
A national holiday is approaching. It’s one that’s not recognized on the calendar but is recognized across millions of households in the US. It’s...[Read More]
Today is the day we celebrate a man. A man who was a champion for justice, equality and respect. A man who spent decades fighting...[Read More]