AdvaNCing our Reach: Duke Interdisciplinary Social Innovator’s Report


Thanks to the Duke Interdisciplinary Social Innovators for working with Women AdvaNCe to create two products that summarize and show the impact of our two most successful initiatives— the NC Women’s Summit and NC Women Writer’s Collective.

Women AdvaNCe learned through our DISI report that we are reaching a wide range of women in North Carolina through the voices of our Writer’s Collective stories and our journalistic endeavors.  Our writers reflect the diverse population of our state and their stories hit upon many issues that are important to women and their families.  Women AdvaNCe’s annual Summit was cited in DISI’s report as serving approximately 800 women over the last four years by providing a “genuine opportunity for learning, educating, and growing” while addressing the changing political landscape which empowers women to engage and secure tools to create effective change in our state. Our keynote speakers were highlighted in the report as impactful women in North Carolina.

“DISI is a graduate student group that provides pro bono consulting to nonprofits, government and socially minded small businesses in the Raleigh-Durham community.  Their mission is to create a dynamic interdisciplinary graduate student group that contributes its talents at the intersection of business principles, technology, innovation and effective policy to serve social organizations.  DISI accomplishes their mission through sharing new ideas, creative strategies and cutting-edge tools.”

Some of DISI’s current and past projects include NCCRED (NC Commission on Racial and Ethnic Disparities), Durham Cares, Ironworx Media, NCCADV (North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence), Duke Climate Commission, Dan River Basin Association and North Carolina Asian Americans Together. Women AdvaNCe is humbled to be among DISI’s project partners.

We are thrilled with DISI’s report and look forward to implementing way forward suggestions made by this distinguished group of graduate students in order to continue fulfilling our mission of empowering the women of North Carolina through our communication network charged with progressing social change by sharing women’s stories in order to help create a fair chance for every woman and family in our state.

Thanks, DISI!  We truly appreciate your work and insightful engagement.

 Jo DeLosSantos
Leadership Team

Women AdvaNCe

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