Our Issues

Women & the Workplace: Ensure that the workforce properly supports women & the needs of their families

North Carolina does not provide or require Temporary  Disability Insurance statewide, paid leave for the Family Medical Leave Act, or paid sick days

  – More than 40% of private sector NC workers have no paid sick days

  – Nationally, 51% of working women  and 63% of single moms are discouraged or prohibited from discussing pay at work

Economic Security: Ensure women earn a fair & equal wage in their workforceequal pay

  – North Carolina women earn 83.3 cents for every dollar earned by men

  – North Carolina women earn less than men at every education level, while nearly 1  in 5 women in our state live in poverty

  – At the current rate, North Carolina women will not have equal pay until  2064

Childcare: Increase the availability, quality & affordability of childcare and early education programs for optimal childhood developmentchild care

All-day infant care costs an average of $9,100 per year, which equates to over a quarter (26%) of North Carolina women’s average yearly income

  – Only 34% of North Carolina’s 4-year-olds are enrolled in state Pre-K, preschool special education,  and state  and federal Head Start

  – Of the nearly 425,000 North Carolina families eligible for the Child Care & Development Fund, only 17.6% of children are served

Education: Improve the quality of K-12 education & cost of post-secondary education

teacher   North Carolina legislature continues to slash public school funding,  including: 78% of school textbook budgets, 100% of school technology budgets,  and  100% of staff development programs

  – 13.3% of North Carolina women have less than a high school diploma

  – The average North Carolina student owes $24,319 in student loan debt after  attending a public,  4-year university

Healthcare & Health Services: Optimize the accessibility & quality of women’s healthcare for the entirety of their liveswomens health

  – 20.9% of North Carolina women ages 18-54 lack health insurance

  – 32.2% of women living in poverty in North Carolina are living without health insurance

  – 14.7% of North Carolina women live with a person with a disability

Leadership: Increase women’s access to & participation in leadership at all levels of their community

leadership  Women make up nearly 50% of North Carolina’s workforce but hold only  40% managerial positions and professional jobs

  – Women hold less than a quarter of appointed offices in North Carolina

  – North Carolina remains one of only 15 states that refuses to ratify the Equal Rights  Amendment (ERA)

Voting: Increase women’s engagement at all levels of the election process


  – Over 70% of North Carolina’s women are registered to vote, but in the last election only 50% of those women voted

  – Because of new voter ID laws nearly over 200,000 North Carolina’s women will be unable to vote

  – At our current rate, women will not see equal government representation until the next century