What We Cover

Women’s Health

It’s no secret that in North Carolina many women’s healthcare issues are swept under the rug. From HPV, sexually transmitted infections, and what actually is pelvic inflammatory disease? We have you covered with all the knowledge you need in our Women Reproductive Health Series.

Helping New Mothers Be Their Own Advocates

Pregnancy, childbirth and the time postpartum can be vulnerable times for parents. That’s why we publish content that keeps you informed on your rights! From the overuse of cesarean sections in the U.S. to illegally drug testing new mothers in the hospital after birth, we have you covered on how to advocate for yourself to ensure you’re aware and equipped.

Paid Leave

North Carolina is still behind on ensuring the working class had access to paid leave. Our partnership with the NC Justice Center Family Cares Coalition has enabled us to publish content on everything you need to know about your rights as a worker: paid leave and living wages, FMLA, pregnancy accommodations, paid paternity leave and accommodations for those with a chronic illness.

Supporting Families of NC MMIW

North Carolina is home to the largest concentration of Native Americans on the east coast, outside of New York City. It’s also home to an epidemic of MMIW (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women), especially in Robeson County, NC. We began reporting on the issue in 2019, and the more we learned, the more we realized we needed to do more. That’s why for 3 years we co-hosted and provided funding the NC MMIW Rally and finally in 2021, our co-directors Nicki Faircloth and Antionette Kerr helped co-found Indi/visible, a group of artists and storytellers who work with the families of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) in Robeson County to uplift their voices and build community through the arts and storytelling. We have partnered with the UNC-P Museum of the Southeast Indian, Shatter the Silence, the Southeastern Family Violence Center and local artists to provide workshops and mural opportunities so these families can process their grief and feel closer to their lost loved ones. 

Reporting on Inequities Through Storytelling

North Carolina women face discrimination and inequity daily, and many of these instances are swept under the rug. We use storytelling as a way to report out on these events so that others who have faced the same discrimination do not feel alone. From discrimination at the doctor office, to feeling like your health concerns are not being heard, we ensure unheard voices are heard through our platform.

Uplifting Cultural Pride

North Carolina is home to women from a diversity of backgrounds, yet cultural pride is hardly covered in the media. We use storytelling as a method for women from all across the state to share their experiences in their own cultures.

Spotlighting LGBTQIA+ Issues

LGBTQIA+ folks in North Carolina face incredible challenges — that’s why we’re here to not only cover those issues but also those challenges that receive little media attention. From how to have a queer positive “sex talk” with your child, sexual violence, how two female can have a baby biologically, to legislation affecting this demographic, we try to go above and beyond to provide you with the LGBTQIA+ centered stories you’re looking for.