📸credit: JanetR3
I was driving the other day when it dawned on me that we were closing in on the middle of August. I quickly thought to myself ‘when did that happen?’ Doesn’t it seem like we just entered 2021 and now we’re already less than five months away from 2022.
Where does time go? No really, where does time go?
We say it all the time: time flies.
Well, we are right.
It keeps passing right along daily and if we aren’t intentional, one day we’ll look up and it’ll be five years from now and we’ll still be in the same place – mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. I think if we really give thought to that, we don’t want that to be our reality.
So much has happened this year.
We’re still in a pandemic. The country is still reeling from this pandemic. People are still dying daily from this pandemic. The Delta variant has ramped up this pandemic. The arguments over maskings and vaccinations rage on. There really seems to be no end in sight for this pandemic.
On top of that, domestic terrorists sieged The Capitol in January and little has been done about that. There’s a new Supreme Court Justice. Some people received stimulus checks. Some didn’t. Congress is a mess. There was another impeachment trial.
Plus, DMX, Black Rob, Shock G, Biz Markie, Ecstasy from Whodini, Prince Markie Dee from The Fat Boys and MF Doom all died. Hip hop mourns.
It’s been a lot. A lot ya’ll.
How are ya’ll coping?
Seriously. How are ya’ll coping?
I hope it’s in a positive way. It seems like there’s something going on every day. Or every day there’s something new for us to worry about. It can be overwhelming. It can be frustrating. It can be scary.
Especially when time is moving so fast and it feels like we don’t have enough time to catch up. The reality is we don’t. Time doesn’t stop. It’s not going to wait on us to get to a place where we can healthily manage and maneuver life’s ups and downs. So, it’s up to us to learn how to operate within this reality that time will keep moving forward even when we need to stop.
Think about what that looks like for you.
We all need healthy coping strategies. We all need to be able to take our minds off the worries and troubles of the world, if only for a few minutes. Life is going to keep throwing us curveballs. It matters how we handle them.
What do you do for yourself? How do you create some peace in this challenging world? That’s a question you must ask yourself? If you can answer it, great! If you can’t, you have work to do.
That work should start right now. You can’t afford to keep moving through life without creating space for you to address your mental and emotional health. It’s real out here! We are living in some troubling times. I wish I had an accurate Magic 8-Ball that I could shake that would tell us if better days, overall, are on the horizon.
Since there’s no guarantee there is, it’s up to us, individually, to create those better days, within. And in our own spaces. Think about what that will look like for you and create a plan of action.
Your life will thank you for it.
Kassaundra Shanette Lockhart is a freelance writer.
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