Now more than ever, we are struggling with how to create positive change while juggling our daily life priorities. There is so much work to...[Read More]
All posts by Amber Ukena
Equal Pay Day is once again upon us, a date symbolizing how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in...[Read More]
Mary Mountcastle has always been a feminist. “People often separate out women’s issues. I believe all issues that improve women’s lives, improve everybody’s lives.” This...[Read More]
What are you thankful for? It’s the age-old question many of us offer up around the Thanksgiving table each year. Occasionally something big will have...[Read More]
Back in January I wrote an article about being an “accidental activist.” Like many in our country, my heart was broken, I needed my voice...[Read More]
>>The dreaded “talk” strikes discomfort and apprehension in the hearts of even the bravest parents. From body parts to loving relationships to how sex actually...[Read More]
>>My son was born in Ethiopia and I brought him home when he was eight months old. So naturally, other parents of internationally adopted children...[Read More]
>>I grew up in a home with a mom, a dad and a brother…a traditional nuclear family. As the dominant family structure of the 1960s,...[Read More]