Vision Boards: Make It Happen


By Glynis Bell

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”– Helen Keller

Create a vision and make it happen!

New Year, new goals…right?  If your New Year’s resolutions are already a distant memory, there is a new trend out that makes remembering and accomplishing easier by making them visual!  Here’s where the vision board comes in.

A vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific set of life goals. It can also be used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific set of life goals.   It can be as simple as a piece of poster board and some colored markers or magazine clippings or it can be more advanced and something that can be framed. Or for those folk who like the digital approach, there are digital vision boards that can be used as computer screen savers or downloaded to mobile devices.  

Creating a vision board has become a popular activity both solo or as a group to help create a visual reminder of your personal goals for the New Year.  This has become a popular activity over the last five years.

Celebrities have even joined the fun.  Lucinda Cross said “So a vision board is like selling your own ideas to ourselves.”  Actor and comedian Jim Carey decided to try it after getting booed off stage at an LA comedy club and almost giving up.  He wrote himself a check for $10 million dollars and on the memo line wrote “for acting services rendered.” He placed it somewhere that he could see it often. And it clearly worked!  The key is being open and creative!

Research shows that visualization works!  So creating a sacred space that displays what you actually want in life and putting it in a place that you can see often may be the key to making the plan come together.  

Your vision board should focus on how you want to feel not just what you want.  If can focus on anything that motivates you in areas such as relationships, career, finances, family, travel, education and personal growth. For example, if your goal is to become a homeowner you may have a picture of a new home on your vision board.  Or if you want to go back to school you may choose a picture of yourself and add a cap and gown.  

I remember when I was pursuing my master’s degree, I found a Barbie doll and she had on a cap and gown and had a diploma in her hand.  I took a marker and wrote my name on that diploma and placed her on my dresser where I could see it daily!  Many times when balancing school, work and a family became a challenge, I would look at Barbie and say “I can do this.”  Not too long ago I came across Barbie tossed in a box. I dusted her off and smiled at how she was a visual reminder of pushing forward and making my dreams come true.  

Making a vision board can be a solo activity or it can be fun with a group of friends!  As humans we tend to be busy and distracted.  Creating vision boards as a group can also help with having friends as your accountability partners for support and encouragement.

Visualize the things that your heart desires, create a visuals display of those things and focus on them, see them, create them and make them happen!!  


“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”– Joel A. Barker




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