In her acceptance speech as the democratic nominee for president, Hillary Clinton >>said , “ …I’m so happy this day has come. I’m happy for...[Read More]
All posts by Jen Brick
>> The first time Tricia Maddrey Baker of Greenville, NC encountered “mansplaining” it was like she had been “smacked in the face.” Someone in...[Read More]
>>My son was enrolled in a five-star child care program when he was six months old. Like many moms, it broke my heart to hand...[Read More]
>>“School’s out for the summer!” Remember when you used to wait for that final bell to ring on the last day? The exhilaration? The anticipation?...[Read More]
>>There are a lot of areas in which North Carolina’s >>proposed budget falls short . That’s no surprise. But what if I told you that...[Read More]
>>Since my son’s birth a little over a year ago, I’ve had moments — lots of them— where my breath quickens. I can’t fill my...[Read More]
>>Here’s an idea: What if we took five low-performing schools from across the whole state — both urban and rural —and put them in their...[Read More]
>> This Memorial Day don’t thank retired Navy veteran Dawn Fromme for her service. It’s true that she served her country for 25 years, worked...[Read More]
>>Attention North Carolina voters: Just because we had our primary elections on March 15th doesn’t mean we can put away our voter IDs until November....[Read More]
>>I had my wisdom teeth removed the week before my junior year of college. I recouped at my parent’s home, taking prescription painkillers as needed....[Read More]