>>Until recently, Chapel Hill mother >>Deborah Gerhardt wasn’t the type of parent to cause a fuss. Focused on her career as a law professor at UNC-Chapel...[Read More]
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Articles >>If you asked me how folks are doing in North Carolina, I’d likely poke my head outside my back door, take a peek, and pronounce...[Read More]
>>BY MELODIE ELAINE ESTES Nine months ago I wrote this article for >>Candid Slice about my first protest march: the last 2013 Moral Monday in Raleigh. I...[Read More]
>>When National Public Radio approached Women AdvaNCe about participating in a >>story about unmarried women voters, we jumped at the chance. Women make up 54%...[Read More]
>>BY ANN CARROLL It’s back to work today for our state lawmakers in Raleigh – and man, do they have a lot of...[Read More]
>>BY JOYCE CLARK HICKS I wanted to get in shape, so I threw out a challenge to my best friend the summer I turned 38:...[Read More]
>>BY SABINE SCHOENBACH When Beth Messersmith was a kid, she ran presidential campaigns for her dolls and created an imaginary United Nations that...[Read More]
>>As a parent in North Carolina, it’s hard to keep up. My husband works at UNC-Chapel Hill, and in the past 5 years, his wages...[Read More]
>>Try to guess what the following things have in common: Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disorders, cancer, depression, and heart disease. Aside from being things that keep me...[Read More]
>>BY ANN CARROLL By the end of this week, I’ll sport purple fingers and my kitchen will stink of vinegar. My family...[Read More]