
1.  MAKE SURE YOU ARE REGISTERED TO VOTE.   Fill out a voter registration form at your local library or high school.  You can also find a voter registration form by visiting >>www.ncsbe.gov or by calling 888-OUR-VOTE.


  • Register by April 11 to vote in the 2014 primary election on May 6.
  • Register by October 10 to vote in the 2014 general election on November 4.
  • You will no longer be able to register to vote on Election Day in 2014.

3.  YOU WILL NOT NEED AN ID TO VOTE IN 2014.  Poll workers will start asking voters if they have an ID beginning in 2014, but voters are not required to show a government-issued photo ID until 2016.

4.  ANYONE CAN VOTE BY MAIL.   Absentee voting is easy.  See “Absentee Voting” at >>www.ncsbe.gov to get your mail ballot.

5.  MARK YOUR CALENDAR AND VOTE EARLY.   One-Stop Early Voting begins April 24 and ends May 3rd at 1:00pm. Find your early voting locations by calling your county election board, listed on the >>NC Board of Elections website.  You must vote at your own precinct on Election Day.

6.  HELP STUDENTS NAVIGATE THE VOTING PROCESS. Students should register to vote using either their home address or their school address. Students may wish to vote by mail.

7.  KNOW YOUR RIGHTS.  You do not lose your right to vote if you have a warrant, fine, misdemeanor, or bankruptcy.  People with a felony record from any state can register and vote in NC after serving their sentence, including probation or parole.  No special document is needed.  Register like a new voter.

8.  VOTERS CAN ASK FOR HELP.  If you have a disability or difficulty reading (due to language or vision), you have the right to assistance from anyone of your choice except your employer or union agent.  If the voting room isn’t accessible due to your age or disability, you can vote at the curb in a vehicle or choose to vote by mail.

9.  REPORT VOTING PROBLEMS RIGHT AWAY.   Any voter can call in to report long lines or voter intimidation.  Call 866-OUR-VOTE if you experience any difficulty voting.

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